Before you get excited about a new decade — think on these things

by Olecia Christie | 3 Minute read

It's the final week of 2019. What an incredible year this has been. This year I pushed myself in ways I didn’t think possible. It was exciting, rewarding, and downright scary. Yet here I am with no regrets.

Today I thought about the things I didn't accomplish this year. I gave myself space to examine my actions and behaviors that led to me missing those goals. It's ok for us to acknowledge the targets we miss as we work towards our dreams. It allows us to decide whether these are goals we want to carry forward or retire based on where we are today. Since as humans, we are continually evolving and shaping different versions of ourselves.

Our goals should not pull us down. They should not make us feel unworthy. Instead, they should inspire us to a higher place than the present. So before you start goal setting for 2020, ask yourself the following questions:

•Are my goals realistic and attainable?

•Do they serve my current growth and development trajectory?

•Are they authentically mine?

I explore more about goal setting and intentionality for success in my ebook, "Launching You," and would love to hear your goals and intentions for the new decade. We are all excited about a new decade, but believe it or not, a new decade will pass much in the same way the previous one did if we are don’t consciously make a step towards change.

Now please note that change does not always show up as a complete overhaul of who you are today. Change is not only about the big idea or the launch of the million-dollar business plan. It’s also about self-betterment and growth. And as humans, no matter how much we’ve accomplished or how far we've come, we always have room for growth.

How will you grow this decade?

Drop some of your goals and intentions for 2020 below.

Olecia Christie